ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEQuestions have been raised if biocfluorescence is an ancient mammalian trait or not. Biofluorescence occurs when fluorescent proteins in organisms reflect absorbed light.
Pink diamonds rank third in rarity after blue and red diamonds. Argyle, who has supplied more than 90% of the world's pink diamonds, announced their closure this month.
"Lazarus taxon" refers to a species that disappears for a time - either from the fossil records or directly believed to be extinct - only to return at a later time.
A new study suggests that prehistoric algae, marine plant life that lived alongside the dinosaurs, managed to survive the extinction event that killed the large reptiles - by learning how to eat other living beings.
The United States generated 13 million metric tons of plastic waste in 2010, where a significant amount ended up in coastal regions and shipped abroad.
When dogs were still wolves, an unlikely bond formed between them and our human ancestors. At a time when dogs were still wolves, an unlikely bond formed between them and our human ancestors - sometime before the last Ice Age ended, or at least 15,000 years ago.
Around this time of year, tarantulas in the wild will be migrating far distances to find a mate. During the fall season, thousands of male tarantulas embark on a journey to hunt for females.