ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATENational Geographic and Rolex partner in a unique expedition on Mount Everest, the world's highest water tower, focusing on climate change. Glacial Melt is just one challenge the team faces, which reveals the future of other mountain regions around the world.
Scientists have discovered four new species and genera of xenophyophores. The species were discovered along the CCZ abyss, which is considered a "gold mine" of minerals, earth metals, and unusual sea creatures.
Insects in the prehistoric times are just as colorful as insects of today, as seen in the amber discovered by scientists of the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (NIGPAS).
New research reveals seabirds from the Alcidae family such as puffins, murres, and their relatives creates efficient propulsive wakes when flying or swimming.
A group of researchers has determined that the South Pole is warming at a rate three times faster than the rest of the world. They believe that human activity may have something to do with it and greenhouse gas emissions that could cover up the heating effect of carbon pollution all over the region.
Norwood Hospital in Massachusetts underwent emergency evacuation brought about by floods from severe thunderstorms that hit the state on Sunday. About 80 patients were transported to nearby hospitals due to flooding and the power outage in the hospital's basement. Click the link above to learn more.
A group of researchers has discovered a deep-sea soft coral garden habitat using an innovative and low-cost underwater camera in Greenland's underwater deep. The scientists are hopeful that their findings will increase the understanding of ecological relationships and lead to more efforts in the management of fisheries.
Temperatures went down below freezing point, a fog warning was declared in Victoria, and hail stones falling on Perth, those are some of the effects of a cold snap striking Australia.
Wildfires are currently ablaze at Mt. Charleston in Las Vegas. Officials are currently trying to keep the flames under control, but some residents have already been told to evacuate. Click the link above to learn more.
Your pet dog could be smarter than you think. According to a new study, dogs can remember recent events or commands just as well as very young children. They can also remember things done an hour ago and repeat the action correctly when asked to do so.
Researchers uncovered the wasp's action of observing rivals fighting by creating an arena with two wasps inside battled each other, while another couple observed from the outside.
Sea lampreys, an aquatic vampire, will be in the Great Lakes this season, local authorities warn. They rarely attack humans, yet pose a danger to commercial fish populations.
A couple on a scuba diving trip spotted a blue-ringed octopus last week near Sydney Harbour. Despite its size, the creature is known to be one of the most venomous creatures in the ocean. Its venom can paralyze and kill humans in a matter of minutes.