ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEAsian giant hornets pose little threat to humans but they are chiefly menace to the livelihoods of beekeepers in East Asia which provoke concerns that it could also happen in the US. Scientists are now racing against time to stop it from further spreading using a program they devised.
A volcanic island about 600 miles south of Tokyo, Japan is experiencing a 'vigorous growth spurt.' Scientists have been observing the multiple eruptions of the volcano since May that have added to its landmass.
Global sustainability problems need more complex solutions than planting more trees. While avoiding significant trade-offs, experts analyze more promising, simultaneous solutions for climate change, land degradation, and food security.
A recent study points out the importance of urban trees to street vendors. The research focuses on Indian vendors and how much they rely on trees not only for shade but also for their emotional and spiritual well-being.
A newly described species of dinosaurs found in Madagascar that lived around 237 million years ago suggests that dinosaurs and pterosaurus originated from extremely small ancestors measuring just 10 centimeters (4 inches) tall.
A new study that aims to better inform conservationists of tequila bat's breeding and migratory patterns allow scientists to understand more how their population is shaped by historical events.
A new study says that having a pet dog can help a child's overall development and well-being. Researchers found that children tend to be kinder and more empathetic with pet dogs around.
A species of worm-like amphibians are often mistaken as snakes for its venomous fangs. Researchers said the fluid-filled glands behind its teeth can incapacitate its prey such as frogs and lizards.
Thousands of villagers in Guizhou hunt for the mysterious creature from the mountains, some say it is a dragon's growl while others say it was a tiger but experts explained it was only a small bird.
Two earthquakes hit Puerto Rico once again as aftershocks from a major quake in January. Although there are no injuries from the current shakes, locals are terrified to return to their homes as they are still recovering from the previous quakes that affected them earlier during the year.
Divers discovered evidence that ancient people dug up deposits of ochre, a treasured crimson mineral, as early as 12,000 years ago when the cave system on the Yucatan Peninsula was still dry.
The Florida Department of Health confirmed one case of a person infected with an amoeba called Naegleria fowleri. Infection of the amoeba is said to be potentially fatal as it enters the body through the nasal passages and eats away the brain.
There's one place on Earth that does not seem to follow the trend of global warming because it keeps on getting colder rather than hotter. A new study sheds light on why this 'cold blob' resists the trend.
Australia has a rich human history that can be traced back to over 65,000 years, but many of its oldest archaeological sites are now underwater. An encouraging sign that Aboriginal artifacts and landscapes may be preserved offshore after archaeologists found a 7,000-year-old site submerged along Australia's continental shelf.
Leptodora is a large relative of water fleas with one enormous eye that hides from predatory fish by day through moving to the bottom of the lake and only goes up at night to feed on other zooplankton unknowingly bringing up toxic mercury to the water surface.