POLICYFrom the Philippines to Brazil to Russia, the UN promises decriminalization of Indigenous peoples. A new campaign to stop the criminalization of Indigenous peoples for protesting against governments and corporations in defense of their traditional lands aims to protect them from persecution, murder, and imprisonment on falsified charges, said the UN special rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous Peoples on Thursday.
A bill that was passed in the House is to meet sure rejection in the Senate. The Climate Action Now bill or H. R. 9, may be the first significant climate legislation to pass in a decade and would prohibit the climate science-denying Trump regime from using federal funds to withdraw from the Paris climate accord.
Nine out of ten scientists agree, mountains shouldn't breathe fireplace. Despite this, a mountain in southern Turkey has been spewing flames steady for a minimum of two thousand years.
Africa is already experiencing the effects of climate change, and it is only about to get worse As African cities like Lagos in Nigeria become increasingly populated, climate change adaptation is key.
The plastics apocalypse is very threatening on a very deep level. Research published in Geochemical Perspectives Letters, details the staggering amount of microplastics found even at the ocean's natural deepest point, the Mariana Trench.
The researchers found out that hippos contributed more than 76% of the silicon in Mara River. (Photo : Bernard DUPONT) Hippos (Hippopotamus amphibius) According to a new study, the health of the river and lakes in the East African savanna landscape depends largely on its giant grazing inhabitants, the hippopotamuses, and their fecal matter.
A phenomenon scientists refer to as “Plant Blindness” meant that people forget to express appreciation to the flora around us and this could lead to disastrous effect not only on the environment but on human health as well.
There is a global rush to figure out the most efficient way to replace vehicles that run on fossil fuels under pressure to be more environmentally friendly and deal with a potential shortage of petroleum soon.
Find out why discovering 200,000 marine based viruses is so important. (Photo : Foreign and Commonwealth Office) For the past years, a group of scientists was sent to an expedition to carry out a survey on marine life.
Researchers are looking at the Sahara Desert to provide the Earth with solar energy. Those who have visited the Sahara Desert is struck by how vast, sunny and hot it is and just how clear everything can be.