Deep Sea Nightmare Fish See in Color Despite Living in the Dark

Scientists discover nightmare fish in the deep, dark ocean can see in color. Deep-sea creatures living at a depth of 1,000 feet or 5,000 feet below live in absolute darkness, and in this case, evolution would usually dictate that such creatures do not necessarily need their sense of sight but instead are equipped with a heightened sense of touch or electrical impulses.

Manmade Structures in Waterways Are Severely Damaging Ecosystems

Dams and reservoirs are said to be having a negative affect on the planet’s ecosystems. An estimated two-thirds of the Earth's longest rivers have been corrupted by dams, reservoirs or other manmade structures, seriously harming some of the most important ecosystems on the planet, researchers said Wednesday.

Next-Generation Plastic Designed To Be Recycled Over And Over Again

Scientists have made a next-generation plastic that can be recycled again and again. A team of researchers at the US Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has designed a recyclable plastic that can be disassembled into its principal parts at the molecular level, and then reassembled into a different shape, texture, and color again and again without loss of performance or quality.

New Ways of Improving Modern Wheat

Study has revealed knowledge of an extensive and rich gene pool for future breeding improvements of Triticum aestivum

Paper Wasps Show the Ability to Reason Similar to Humans

Wasp queens were recently tested on their reasoning skills and the results are surprising. Certain wasps may be able to understand associations and unknowns about their surroundings, according to a recent study.

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