ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEThe yellow crazy ants performed other task aside from gathering foods for the colony. The group of ants also lay eggs to povide foods for the larvae.
Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution believes that the first human has said to evolve in Africa. Now, fossils prove that it was in Europe and not in Africa.
The theory which states that Africa is the birthplace of mankind has been proved wrong in a new research discovery. Pre-human remains have been found in Europe, which is approx. 7.2 million years old.
A new research study has revealed that whales, dolphins, and seals follow the same evolutionary pattern. It has also been revealed that long time ago, terrestrial mammals returned to the seas.
According to the new research presented at the ATS 2017 International Conference, exposure to high levels of air pollution over a period of time can reduce the likelihood of sound sleep.
The organisms in the Precambrian time of life were much more dynamic and livelier than it was expected by the scientists. A new research from the Vanderbilt University reveals the information.