Scientists drilled deep into the bottom of the Indian Ocean to find how the sediment was able to increase the severity of the devastating Indian Ocean earthquake in 2004.
Biologists have tried to find answers to the living patterns of blind cavefish, trying to find the reasons of their survival in the deep and dark cisterns hundreds of feet below the ground. The answers seem to be found in their bones.
Artifacts as old as 15,000 years were discovered in Peru. 15,000-year-old artifacts were reported to be discovered in Northern Peru. The discovery on site was mentioned to be the site’s second as the first excavation was conducted by late archeologist Junius B.
Aside from being a staple food, Sorghum grains offer a wide range of alternative uses. Sorghum grains are a gluten-free part of the grass family, which is known to be the most staple food in Africa and India for centuries.
Survivors struck by lightning describe how it really feels aside from pain. Amid many people having the fear of being struck by lightning, some don't really know how it feels in real life.
Despite surviving the civil war, the wildlife of South Sudan is still facing problems due to the rise of illegal activities such as mining and poaching.
The latest research showed scientists have taken one step forward to mimic the photosynthesis process to become more efficient in harvesting solar energy.
Knowing what to expect when exposed to Calamity Prone Areas will help humans decide if it is worth the life residing in the areas listed in the Natural Calamity Map Locators