Robots and high-tech solutions recently are not only used for technological purposes. These are also used in innovative farming and fighting world hunger.
Scientists have found out that forest does not only absorb CO2 but it also affects water cycle too. Researchers have found out that forest and trees do not only absorb the carbon dioxide emissions of the world but they cool the Earth in other ways too.
The see-saw battle on cleaning up the oil spill in Nigeria might finally come to an end after Shell assured that they will begin sorting out the problem in April.
Heavy winds and rain have pounded Queensland as Tropical Cyclone Debbie landed the area. Strong winds, big waves of seas and heavy rain hit the northeast area of Australia today, harming homes, destroying wharfs and cutting power lines to thousands of homes as Tropical Cyclone Debbie tore through Queensland state's far north.
It has been suggested that changes in solar output might affect our climate. Scientists believe a weaker sun could reduce earth temperatures by at least half a degree.
Researchers have found out that climate change is affecting water cycle in Germany. Soon, it will also affect other factors like agriculture, energy and transportation in the country, researchers stated.
An array of bacteria including drug-resistant salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus as well as fungi were gathered from the orcas' breath samples which make the scientists worried.
This new bird fossil specimen from the rich early Cretaceous Jehol Biota, which is approximately 131 to 120 million years old. It is cited as Eoconfuciusornis that are the oldest and the most primitive member of Confuciusornithiformes.