ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEDaspletosaurus horneri is the latest addition to the tyrannosaurus family. However, this predator provides clues about how anagenesis evolution happens.
Two unknown men were seen in the area of the Death Valley National Park, where the fossils have been stolen. With the help of the local people, investigators try to identify these two men.
Manatees which is also known as sea cows has promoted to threatened species from endangered status. for the first time in 1966, manatees are considered as endangered under the protection act, but since 1980 a remarkable change in their number observed.
Mosquitoes take weird insect flight to new heights buzzing bloodsuckers flap their long wings in narrow strokes really, really fast and more than 800 times per second in males.
The researchers observed something that should be impossible, a massive bloom of phytoplankton growing under Arctic sea ice in conditions that should have been far too dark for anything requiring photosynthesis to survive. So, how was this blooms possible
Residents of Alaskan village are threatened by constantly rising sea levels. It is speculated that in some years the place may totally disappear underwater.
Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History and Michigan State University scientists analyzed fossil records and bones of Hawaiian Petrel to determine how human interference affecting their food chain. industrial fishing and other human activities are damaging their resources During the past 100 years.