ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEA team of scientists can now save Tasmanian Devils from the Devil Facial Tumor Disease. Tasmanian devils have been plagued for two decades now. Their numbers have decreased more than half as DFTD or Devil Facial Tumor Disease is killing their species.
Anthropologist Jean-Christophe Victor has opened world's first polar museum in France. the main purpose of opening the museum is to spread awareness in people. the museum also has a skating rink, conference hall, exhibition hall and a restaurant.
A winter storm watch has been announced across the Northeast region due to a potential snowstorm that may hit the area beginning on Monday night. Here are some important reminders and safety tips to help residents prepare for the imminent winter storm.
Veterinarian surgeons from Chulalongkorn University's veterinary faculty removed 915 coins from the stomach of a 25 years old Thai sea turtle. Now, this turtle is recovering quickly and able to swim.
Studies conclude that humans are in danger from the huge quantities of manmade, toxic plastic that marine life is already being harmed from. Humans are the end consumer of this food chain that is increasingly getting polluted with plastic waste.
Humans are the main reason for the rapid climate change and they are also the solution for it. Many scientists and other climate enthusiasts have been saying that it is the human race's fault that our planet is at this rate.
The world-famous Azure Window is lost at sea. A heavy storm causes the world-famous Azure Window of Malta to collapse. Images have been captured and went viral.
Massive beasts like mammoth, mastodon and saber-toothed tiger suddenly vanished around 10,000 BC together with Clovis people at the end of the last ice age - nobody knows why.
An international research team led by Professor Ralf Reski has found that the cuticles on moss actually protect them from water loss. those cuticles cover themselves with waxy epidermal cells.
There is a different commercial purification system available in the market which was expensive as well as the waste of money, electricity etc. So the chemists from Australian national university developed a unique purification system to treat wastewater by using natural sunlight by using natural sunlight.
Academe-backed Aboriginal Heritage Project revealed a staggering conclusion - Aboriginal communities exist and continually thrives for 50,000 years in the Australian continent.