Bugs Found As Clean As Humans When It Comes To Poops

An entomologist, Joe Ballenger stated that a bug has also a digestive system which is similar to the human but subdivided into three parts. The parts of the guts of a common bug are foregut, midgut and the hindgut, wherein the latter is just like the large intestine.

NOAA Recorded 2017 Has The Second Warmest February Since 1880

NASA, NOAA, and Japan Meteorological Agency have confirmed that the average temperature of February was the Second Warmest since 1880. The average temperature was 1.76 degrees higher than the mean temperature of the 20th century.

Scientists Found Acoustics Of Extinct Jurassic Species In Rare Cricket Family

An international team of sensory and evolutionary biologists from UK, Canada, and France conducted a study on a rare family of insects. Researchers studied on the sound-generating organs in Orthopterans to understand how bush-crickets developed their highly specialized acoustic functions.

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