Hannah C.

"Superhabitable" Exoplanets May Be Better Than Earth

For years, experts have searched for signs of life in space, namely traces of water. A recent paper described 24 exoplanets that may be superhabitable and provide living conditions similar or better than on Earth.

Research on Supermassive Black Holes Receive the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics

The origins of supermassive black holes have had various theories. The work of two astronomers proving that the center of the Milky Way is a supermassive black hole plus a mathematician's work on black holes as the result of Einstein's theory of general relativity received the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics.
Risky Animal Behavior is Influenced and Triggered by Hunger

Risky Animal Behavior Influenced and Triggered by Hunger

A study from the University of Jena, Germany looks at the high-risk behaviors of animals driven by poor nutritional conditions. Hunger can influence animals to migrate or explore new places in search of food.

Plant Power May Tackle Several Sustainable Development Goals

Renewable energy is not only important for global warming, but also for entire ecosystems affected by logging, mining, and the negative health impacts of indoor pollution. International scientists believe that one way of reaching the sustainable development goal of clean and affordable energy is sourcing plant power from plants and fungi.
Five African Greys Isolated After Swearing At Visitors

Five African Greys Isolated After Swearing at Visitors

African grey parrots are among the most advanced species in learning human vocalization. Five parrots who were in isolation together during quarantine learned how to swear, and were caught swearing at visitors.
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