Hannah C.

Common Insecticide Imidacloprid Harms Beneficial Insects

Common Insecticide Imidacloprid Harms Beneficial Insects

How the insecticide imidacloprid affects the common fruit fly brings concern over beneficial insects such as honeybees. Low doses of the insecticide have a significant impact on the fly's neurological functions.
Unique Enzyme Combination May Help Reduce Global Plastic Waste

Unique Enzyme Combination Could Reduce Global Plastic Waste

Plastic-consuming organisms have been discovered years ago, yet aren't enough to efficiently rid of global plastic pollution. In a recent study, scientists combined two plastic-consuming enzymes that eat plastic up to three times faster than their natural counterparts.
Developing Coronavirus Vaccines Are Harming Shark Species

Developing Coronavirus Vaccines Are Harming Shark Species

As vaccines candidates are being developed to cure coronavirus, some developers use squalene - an ingredient found in shark liver oil. Wildlife experts fear that millions of sharks may be killed if vaccine developers don't look for alternative sources.
Why do Men need a Man Cave?

The Psychology Behind Man Caves & She Sheds

A man's feeling of needing a "man cave" is connected to an emotional level and is also considered a form of self-expression. More recently, women have been seeking the female equivalent, or what is more popularly known as a "she shed."

Supermassive Black Hole Messier 87 Has Been Wobbling for Years

The origins of supermassive black holes remain unknown although scientists have several theories, such as multiple stars colliding. Observations of Messier 87 reveal more about the properties of black holes, including how the black hole as been wobbling.
B-TENG Device: Tiny Wind Turbine Harvets Energy From a Breeze

B-TENG Device: Tiny Wind Turbine Harvets Energy From a Breeze

Chinese scientists develop a tiny wind turbine that can harvest energy from a light breeze. The developers hope that someday it can be used to power electronic devices, provide electricity for communities where energy is scarce, and even compete with traditional wind turbines.

Black Sea Microbes Support Theory That All Organisms Have Common Ancestors

The tree of life is often traced back to the Last Universal Common Ancestor, where all complex life forms share a single origin. Microbes found in the Black Sea may explain a period where bacteria, eukaryotes, and archaea had a similar cell structure, particularly the lipid membrane.

Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Candidate To Begin Phase 3 of Human Trials

Johnson & Johnson will be entering phase three of human trials, including 60,000 participants from three continents. They also continue to look for other possible treatments for coronavirus as their vaccine candidate completes safety and efficacy trials.
Fructose Intake May be Triggering Alzheimer's Disease

Fructose Intake Could Trigger Alzheimer's Disease

Up to date, there has not been effective treatment for dementia and Alzheimer's disease. With researchers discovering how fructose metabilsm affects neuronal function, it may help develop preventive measures of risk factors such as type 2 diabetes and obesity.
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