Hannah C.

A New Species of Tardigrades Can Survive Radiation

Autofluorescence or skin protection against radiation is a unique feature of a few animal species. Indian scientists discover a new species of tardigrades, which can already survive extreme environments but also survive exposure to radiation that easily kills bacteria within minutes.
Are Humans Still Evolving Today?

Are Humans Still Evolving Today?

Since ancient times, scientists have kept track of how humans have evolved from the caveman to the modern man. In recent years, they have also uncovered what may be signs of evolution in the human body.

The Importance of Understanding Superspreading Events & Environments

For months, scientists have been gaining more understanding of how infectious coronavirus can be. Contact tracing, droplet experiments, and several other studies have helped determine the importance of superspreading events and the role of super transmitters.
What is the Urban Heat Island Effect?

What is the Urban Heat Island Effect?

Global warming causes a phenomenon called the urban heat island effect. A recent study sheds light on the importance of urban planning involving vegetation to lower urban temperatures.
New Crop Microbiome Cryobank To Open in the U.K. To Tackle Food Crop Security

New Microbiome Cryobank to Open in the UK, Looks to Tackle Food Crop Security

U.K. scientists will be collaborating for a new crop microbiome cryobank to preserve the nation's major food crops' DNA. The platform will include data for sustainability, crop types, soil types, and necessary microbiomes to tackle the Sustainable Development Goal of eradicating hunger.

The Great Barrington Declaration States That Herd Immunity May End the Pandemic

Thousands of experts and citizens around the world have signed the Great Barrington Declaration to go against lockdown measures. However, other experts believe that herd immunity is not the best answer in beating the pandemic as millions are affected and have already lost their lives to the virus.
An Ancient Enzyme Gives Insight on the Evolution of Photosynthesis

An Ancient Enzyme Gives Insight on the Evolution of Photosynthesis

Understanding the evolution of life means studying the behavior of the smallest molecules such as ancient enzymes. An old form of the enzyme rubisco gives insight on carbon fixation and photosynthesis billions of years ago before the Great Oxygenation Event.
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