Captive-breeding has been a common practice to help preserve various species around the world. A recent study reveals the negative consequences of releasing salmon from hatcheries into the wild.
Some of Nara's sacred deer have died from ingesting plastic bags. With the deer and local economy in mind, a local entrepreneur invented edible, deer-friendly bags as new packaging.
Globally, there has been a dramatic increase in carb-rich and processed food associated with urbanization. Researchers study the mismatch theory between adapting new diets compared to sticking to what our ancestors ate.
China is already in the middle of their post-Covid new normal as if the pandemic is already gone. Currently, several companies have made their vaccine candidates available to anyone upon payment.
Since the introduction of European and African honeybees to the Americas, there have been numerous hybrid species. Scientists used genetic sequencing to determine how genetics made an impact on their survival, habitat, and advantageous traits.
The placebo effect goes back to the 16th century in Europe where the Catholic Church used fake holy objects to determine which demonic possessions were real. Today, placebo treatments are widely accepted in clinical trials. Why is the placebo effect so effective?
The worst floods and landslides have affected millions in central Vietnam. They are currently preparing for the arrival of Tropical Storm Saudel which has already caused severe floods in the Philippines.
An invasive species of jellyfish was recently spotted several times across beaches in North Carolina. Factors such as global warming and the movement of ships may have brought the jellyfish further north than usual.
NASA has been funding scientists developing gecko-inspired technology for robotic applications at the International Space Station. Two Stanford laboratories developed gecko-like grippers for the Astrobee robot to pick up objects to assist astronauts efficiently.
Sleep deprivation is a growing problem in the form of insomnia or the result of physical or mental health conditions. Researchers discovered a link between the quality of sleep and the ability to suppress unwanted memories.
Climate change has caused many species to migrate into new territories as well as habitat shifts. Flour beetle experiments reveal how numerous species are affected by changes in habitat and competitive species.
Pink salts, particularly Himalayan pink salt, have become increasingly popular since 2009 due to numerous health claims such as lower levels of iodine and improving sleep. Australian researchers analyzed various pink salt samples revealing its real contents.
With air pollution getting worse, one way people avoid exposure is by having food delivered to their home or office. However, this has resulted in an increase in plastic pollution from single-use containers and plastic bags.
Air pollution has been linked to several heart diseases and respiratory conditions. Researchers conduct the first nationwide study in the United States linking fine particulate matter to neurological diseases.
Marine heatwaves, nicknamed "blobs" by the NOAA, have become alarmingly frequent in the past few years. The largest and warmest blob detected off the coast of California has grown to about the size of Canada.
Millions of people around the world are affected by dementia with nearly 10 million new cases per year. A cold-shock protein associated with hibernation has been recently linked with brain cell activity.
Researchers believe that the spike in fatal shark attacks is due to climate change affecting the ocean's temperatures. The 7th fatal attack this year is the highest spike in cases in the past 50 years.
Peu's Nazca Lines is home to some of the world's most remarkable and complex geoglyphs. Archaeologists recently discovered a new geoglyph at the site of a large feline that is over 100 feet long.
Since 2016, the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft has been observing asteroid Bennu and discovered organic materials on the surface. This week, the spacecraft will attempt the first mission of its kind - to collect samples from an asteroid's surface.
Studying ancient footprint tracks of animals and humans reveals the similarities and differences between modern species and their ancestors. A recent discovery of human footprints reveals a story of an adult carrying a toddler through muddy terrain despite predators.
Eight grader Anika Cebrolu just became America's Top Young Scientists at the annual 3M Young Scientist Challenge. Her work involved identifying a single molecule that binds to the coronavirus spike protein for the development of antiviral drugs.
Cleaning oil spills and preserving marine life has been challenging with the disastrous oil spills and expansion of oil exploration. For years, scientists have been developing eco-friendly ways to clean up oil pollution and protect marine life.
For the past few years, researchers from Edith Cowan University have been researching biomarkers for cancer. They recently discovered a new biomarker that can help determine the best immunotherapy for patients with melanoma.
Hainan gibbons are the rarest ape, primate, and mammal species in the world. Scientists report both short-term and long-term conservation efforts in preserving the critically endangered species.
Animal welfare campaigners have been fighting for dogs' rights that are sold as meat or for traditional medical uses, prominently in Asia. US-based charity Lady Freethinker recently conducted an underground investigation on South Korea's largest dog meat auction house.
Countries such as Israel, New Zealand, and Singapore have implemented mini-lockdowns in short cycles called circuit breakers. The short period of strict lockdown measures is designed to reduce the number of cases while the government plans new safety measures.
Climate change has been responsible for water-related events such as tropical storms, heaving rains, snowfall, flooding, and even drought. The NOAA recently announced their forecast for America's winter: colder temperatures in the north and a drier season in the south.
There is still a lot to be discovered about the long-term effects of coronavirus in the next few years. So far, the National Institute for Health Research determined four syndromes of long Covid.