Joshua Stan

Can Mycorrhizal Fungus Network be a Medium of Communication For Forest Trees? Evidence Seems Shaking Research Claims

Unlocking the Secrets of Neutron Star Mergers: Astronomy Research Sheds Light on Gravity and the Universe's Age

Revolutionizing Nanocatalysis: Researchers Find Novel Approach to Control Reaction Selectivity with Visible-Light Irradiation

Scientists Use Mucus-Based Technique to Promote Tissue Growth: A Novel Approach with Exciting Potential

Smart Necklace Wearable Device Tracks Smoking Behavior to Improve Success of Smoking Cessation Programs, Study Finds

Older Male Genetics Has Dominant Mutation Patterns on Their Offspring, Latest Study Reveals

Graphene Particles Show Promising Results in Water Purification: Study Reveals Unique Method of Contaminant Extraction

African Jacana Chicks Survival Skills Boosted by Their Tiny Feet; Film Featured Life of the Bird in Wild

Messier 61 (NGC 4303) Photos Unveils Secrets of Star Formation in Distant Spiral Galaxy: Astronomy Breakthrough

Indolicidin Enhances Antibiotics to Combat Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria Based on Latest Findings

Binary T Tauri Stars Found Responsible for Carving Giant Bubble in Barnard 18 Molecular Cloud

European Space Agency, NASA Partner With Airbus for the Success of European Service Module on Artemis Mission

World's Most Pierced Woman with Over 15,000 Metallic Adornments Aims for Guinness; How Does Her Body Tolerate Pain?

SpaceX Starlink Refuses To Have Its Satellite Employed for Drone Strikes, Sabotaging Ukraine's Military

'Acro Bats' Species Rely on Whiskers Eating Flower Nectars Resembling Hummingbirds, New Study Reveals

Nano-Scientists Create Thin Antiferroelectric Materials Holding Ferroelectricity, Using High-Density Semiconductor

Robot-Assisted Surgery Trial Begins at Hywel Dda University Health Board, Operating Human Hip and Knee

Newly Discovered Fossil Challenges Previous Understanding of Marine Ecosystem After Permian-Triassic Extinction Event

Killer Whale Mothers Tend to Sacrifice Own Lives For the Sake of Their Offspring, Study Suggests

Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots 'Lost' Letters Decoded with Sophisticated Cipher System by Researchers

Lizard-Inspired Robot Unveiled for Future Exploration of Mars' Rugged Terrain

Eurasian Eagle-Owl Zoo Escapee, 'Flaco The Fugitive' Spotlights Wildlife Diversity in NYC's Central Park

Chinese Scientists Pioneer Quantum Key Distribution Breakthrough to Enhance Data Encryption with Qubits

Stanford Online Explains Chatbot's Artificial Intelligence Language Processing System

Hawaii's Sneezing Season: Manage Allergen, Allergic Rhinitis with Effective Medication and Precautions

Greenland Glaciers Melting at Alarming Rates: Computer Models Research Uncovers Surprising Results

Heard the Sound of the Stars? Cepheid Variable Star, RS Puppis' Data Transcribed into Reverb Using Sonification Treatment

Fish With Self-Awareness? Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse Show Recognition Signs of Their Own Faces in Photos

Unlocking the Power of Cloud Seeding: Scientists Pioneer Innovative Techniques to Fight Drought and Climate Change
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