Margaret Davis

Parenting: New Science-Based Book Teaches How to Raise Generous, Honest, Kind Kids
Jupiter's Polar Storms Do Not Go Away Unlike Its Earthly Variety, Study Found
Comet ATLAS: What Happened to Its Tail Now That It's No Longer Tailing Anything?

How Dirty Are Our Beds? A Microbiologist Explains How Germs Live on Mattresses

101-Year-Old Maine Woman Dubbed "The Lobster Lady" Still Actively Boating, Lobstering Daily
Neutron Stars Have Tiny Mountains That Are No More Than Millimeters Tall, Study Suggests
Belgium to Return 2,000 'Stolen' Artifacts From Congo During the Colonial Era
Gamma-Ray Bursts: What Do These Ultrabright Flashes Tell About the Universe?
Monkeypox Reported in Texas Urging CDC to Conduct Immediate Contact Tracing; What is This Viral Disease?
COVID-19 Vaccinated People Who Get Infected Less Likely to Spread the Virus, Fauci Says
Hubble Space Telescope is Back on Once Again! Backup Computing Hardware Switched On, What's Next?
Fluorescence Used to Monitor Water Quality by Detecting Hydrocarbons and Pesticides in Real-time
Female Grizzly Bear Seen in Washington State for the First Time After 40 Years, Fitting It With Radio Collar

Snake Venom Transformed Into Super Glue That Stops Life-Threatening Bleeding Within Seconds

Teens' Empathic Support for Friends Stem From Secure Attachments in Family
Sperm Transport in the Genital Tract Shown in Computer Simulation Identify Key Factors for Successful Reproduction
Sharks on Movies Are Overwhelmingly Portrayed as Villains, Making It Harder to Conserve Them

Chile Peppers in Space: Why Is NASA Growing Spices in the ISS? What Does It Mean for Astronauts?

WHO Says Genetically Modified Babies Still Too Risky, Announces New Guidelines for Human Gene Editing
New Wildlife Detection Surveillance System Could Track Emerging Threats in Near Real-Time

Hubble Space Telescope: NASA May Finally Know the Cause of Its Major Computer Glitch

Ultrasonic Scaler Advantages and Disadvantages: When to Use It and Can It Damage Teeth?

Why Is Venus So Bright? Here's How Its Proximity to Earth, Highly Reflected Clouds Affects It
Rare 'Glass Octopus' Spotted in Deep Waters of the Central Pacific Ocean
'Harmless' Bacteria in Nose Drops Elicits Immune Response Against Deadly Brain Disease
Mars, Venus, Moon Conjunction: Look Up and Catch a Celestial Treat in the Night Sky
Venus Crust Broken? Large Blocks Moving Like Sea Ice Seen on Planet Showing Proof of Geological Activity

Athletes at Higher Risk of Experiencing Heart Condition That May Lead to Stroke

Humans' Defenseless Nature: Still, Why Don't Wild Animals Attack Us More?
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Persistent Coughs Are Everywhere: Here's What Experts Think Is Causing It

Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Giant Predatory Amphipod Discovered Thriving 8,000 Meters Below in Extreme Deep-Sea Environment

Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists