Margaret Davis
Candida Auris Strikes Again! CDC Reports Two Outbreaks of Deadliest Drug-Resistant Strain in the US
Jupiter Moon Ganymede Has Water Vapor in Its Atmosphere! Could This Be Common on Icy Bodies in the Solar System?

Highly Effective mRNA-Based Malaria Vaccine to Undergo Clinical Trial by End of 2022, BioNTech Announces

Mega Sandstorm in China Momentarily Erases A Silk Road Outpost, Country Announces to Build 'Great Green Wall'

Loss of Oxygen in Oceans Detrimental to Marine Life; Scientists Show How Deoxygenation Rapidly Affects Reef Ecosystem
Earth's Interior is Absorbing More Carbon Due to Slow-Motion Tectonic Plates, What Does This Imply?

How Does Piercing Work? Scientists Uncover Mechanics Behind Puncture on Soft Solids

Sleep Talking: Causes, Symptoms, and How to Prevent It
Sound Waves Levitate Objects From Reflective Surfaces in New Method Developed by Japanese Engineers

FAA Announced Jeff Bezos Still Not an Astronaut: Who Qualifies To Become One?
NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Has Now Flown Over One Mile, Capturing Images to Help Perseverance Rover
Marsquakes Studies Reveal Mars Have Larger Metallic Core than Previously Believed

Dopamine Impulses Can Be Controlled in the Brain of Mice in Anticipation of Rewards

Discovery Channel's Shark Week Might Be Doing More Harm than Help in Conservation of the Species
NASA's $4.25B Europa Clipper Spacecraft is Going to Jupiter's Icy Moon Aboard Falcon Heavy

AI Used to Predict 3D Structures of Proteins Made by Human Genome; Critical for Advancing Medicine

Breakthrough Infections: What You Should Know When You Get Infected Even After Getting Vaccinated

Cockatoos Learned Through Social Learning to Open Trash Bins to Access Leftover Food
Moon Exploration: SIU Engineering Students Win NASA's Competition to Design Mining Robots
African Dust: How Do Its Emission and Transport Alter the Climate?
New Bacteria-Based Fiber Tougher, Stronger Than Natural Spider Silks
CBP Seizes 15 Giant Land Snails at Houston Airport, Saying These Could Cause a Rare Form of Meningitis
Chimpanzees Involve in 'Lethal Attacks' Against Gorillas, Seen for the First Time
Immune System Could Be Fine-Tuned at the T-Cell Level to Produce Better Immune Response
Perseverance Rover Prepares to Collect First Martian Rock Sample, Will Be Returned to Earth by Missions in the 2030s
Thousands of Dead Baby Flamingos Settle Down in Turkish Lake Bottom Due to Devastating Drought
Plateau Pikas' Secret to Survival: Real-Life ‘Pikachus’ Have A Disgusting Way to Survive Harsh Winter Season

Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Less Effective Against Delta Variant With Only 33% Efficacy Rate

Road to Space: Jeff Bezos Reveals Masterplan After His Successful $550m per Minute Spaceflight
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Persistent Coughs Are Everywhere: Here's What Experts Think Is Causing It

Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Giant Predatory Amphipod Discovered Thriving 8,000 Meters Below in Extreme Deep-Sea Environment

Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists