One of the fruits that the researchers were able to harvest from lunar and Martian soil was tomatoes.

Space Agriculture: Crops Can Be Grown on Moon and Mars Soil

Researchers are able to harvest fruits and seeds grown on simulated Moon and Mars soil. With NASA, the European Space Agency, and Roscosmos all looking at future missions to Mars in the near future, the race is on in the age of space colonization.
Space ship

NASA Engineer Proposes Engine That Runs Without Any Fuel

David Burns, a NASA engineer, has proposed an engine which runs on forward momentum. Strictly speaking, this violates the law which states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction, but his design focuses on Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity which can make the mechanism possible.

Virgin Orbit and SatRevolution Look to Go to Mars by 2022

A very capable consortium has been formed, and their aim is Mars exploration. (Photo : Virgin Orbit)Virgin Orbit's Cosmic Girl carrying the LauncherOne rocket that will be used in the launching of SatRevolution's cubesat destined for Mars.
Draconid, Orionid Meteor Showers

The best time to view the Draconid, Orionid meteor showers

A long time ago, when people stared in the sky. Sometimes they'd spy bright specs of light. Some thought they were angels or the gods dashing through the sky. In time, early astronomers developed spyglasses and telescopes with improved optics.
Through a technique called the FFC-Cambridge process, scientists were able to extract oxygen and metals from moon rocks efficiently.

Scientists extract oxygen and metal from moon rock efficiently

There's oxygen on the moon and we know how to get it now. In 1969, we were first able to set foot on the Moon. Now, fifty years later, we're about to go back again, this time with bigger dreams of setting up colonies on both the Moon and Mars.
A joint project between NASA and ExoMars will explore the planet's surface in 2021.

NASA Chief Scientist: We Might Find Life on Mars Within 2 Years

Rover missions are set to explore Mars in 2021 to look for signs of life. We're not alone in the universe. At least, that's what Dr. Jim Green, Chief Scientist at the NASA, predicts would be the result of the upcoming rover missions.

3-D printed prototypes to explore Saturn's moons

A new series of robots developed by NASA will lead the exploration on Saturn's moons This may sound like it is straight out of the movies, but NASA developed a shape-shifting robot that can fly, roll, float, and even swim, and then morph into one machine.

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