Jupiter's New Moons Finally Named

New discoveries in space are always named after an important person or event, and the newly discovered moons in Jupiter are no different.

Trump's Tweet About Not Going To The Moon Is Causing Problems

Trump changed his mind about going to the moon, much to the space exploration's dismay A month after declaring the mission of his administration to go to the Moon before planning a trip to Mars, President Trump changed his mind about the whole thing and stated it through his tweet that was sent on June 7, which confused a lot of people.

Rock Sampling Toolkit Installed On The Mars 2020 Rover

NASA is currently working on the installation of the rock sampling toolkit on the Mars 2020 Rover. NASA -- The space agency is currently working on the space rovers that will be sent to explore specific areas in space.

Blob Of Star Gas Spotted by The Hubble

The hubble, NASA’s eyes on the sky recently spotted a huge blob of star gas in the sky. Whenever people look at the night sky, it is filled with bright shining stars.

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