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08.30.2019 10:17 AM
Scientists have always believed that snowball planets are inhabitable because they are not rocky and that they always lie beyond what is considered the habitable zone.
08.29.2019 08:34 AM
New discoveries in space are always named after an important person or event, and the newly discovered moons in Jupiter are no different.
08.28.2019 09:20 AM
Trump changed his mind about going to the moon, much to the space exploration's dismay A month after declaring the mission of his administration to go to the Moon before planning a trip to Mars, President Trump changed his mind about the whole thing and stated it through his tweet that was sent on June 7, which confused a lot of people.
08.28.2019 09:10 AM
Salt deposits on Mars could shed light on the source of ancient water and uncover more about the past.
08.28.2019 09:08 AM
On Monday, the plane broke the record set by the previous mission, OTV-4, which stayed in the air for a duration of 717 days, 20 hours and 42 minutes.
08.28.2019 09:05 AM
A decade after being taken out of the list of planets, NASA Chief says that Pluto must still be considered a planet, like it has always been.
08.27.2019 08:55 AM
Scientists are going out of their way to search for a new planet that’s habitable enough for life to survive.
08.27.2019 08:51 AM
The black hole at the heart of the Milky Way galaxy has been thought of as the biggest one, but not until this new discovery discredits that.
08.26.2019 08:52 AM
Other planets may come with more life than people first thought. Experts think that this may be the truth.
08.23.2019 08:13 AM
Clipper, the space rover that will be sent to Jupiter, will be looking into the potential for life in the icy oceans of the moon Europa.
08.22.2019 09:06 AM
The Chandrayaan spacecraft of India has finally entered the lunar orbit and the country’s officials couldn’t be any prouder.
08.21.2019 07:18 AM
New research says that its technology might make it possible for experts to detect upcoming black holes.
08.20.2019 09:23 AM
NASA rockets including the Saturn I rocket and the V-2 rocket is housed at the Marshall Space Flight Center in the Alama Facility of NASA.
08.20.2019 09:00 AM
NASA is currently working on the installation of the rock sampling toolkit on the Mars 2020 Rover. NASA -- The space agency is currently working on the space rovers that will be sent to explore specific areas in space.
08.20.2019 08:57 AM
The hubble, NASA’s eyes on the sky recently spotted a huge blob of star gas in the sky. Whenever people look at the night sky, it is filled with bright shining stars.
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