Rock Sampling Toolkit Installed On The Mars 2020 Rover

NASA is currently working on the installation of the rock sampling toolkit on the Mars 2020 Rover. NASA -- The space agency is currently working on the space rovers that will be sent to explore specific areas in space.

Blob Of Star Gas Spotted by The Hubble

The hubble, NASA’s eyes on the sky recently spotted a huge blob of star gas in the sky. Whenever people look at the night sky, it is filled with bright shining stars.

Super-Earth May Just Be Around The Corner

The MIT hosted its first TESS Science Conference and the discovery of what looked like Super Earth has been presented and they say that it may be just around the corner.

Biomanufacturing is Now Being Tested at the International Space Station

Researchers are looking to 3D print blood vessels and tissues in space. With both medical and technological advancements, a lot of scientists and researchers have been working on 3D printing bodily materials like organs, and some of these organs even have the intricate details of blood vessels and tissues over the past few years.

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