ICON is set to launch and study the space where the atmosphere and the ionosphere meet

The Space Between: NASA to Launch Mission for Ionosphere Study

ICON is set to launch on the 9th of October, and you can watch it live. If you look up at the sky over the Atlantic Ocean on the 9th of October, 9:30 PM EDT, you might just see NASA's Ionospheric Connection Explorer or, simply, ICON take off on the Pegasus XL rocket by Northrop Grumman.

Ocean-Monitoring Satellite Successfully Completes Its Mission

The Jason-2/OSTM satellite provided insights into ocean currents and sea-level rise. (Photo : NASA/JPL-Caltech) The Jason-2/Ocean Surface Topography Mission, or OSTM, has successfully ended its mission after 11 years in service.
The Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS) has been recording sounds from the Red Planet too faint for human ears

Marsquakes Are A Thing and You Can Hear Them Through InSight

The SEIS on Mars lander InSight has picked up some strange sounds, and you can listen to them. Did NASA just detect movement of Mars' crust? Or was it just a couple of rocks blown by the wind? NASA's InSight lander has picked up on some interesting rumblings on the Earth-like planet.

Black Hole Leaves A Star In Pieces

All stars are doomed to burn out, but this one was ripped apart by a colossal black hole. A colossal black hole was caught ripping apart a star. The space agency NASA was able to witness this space event from beginning to end through its telescope.

U.S. Military Confirms the Authenticity of 3 Videos Showing UFOs

The Navy isn’t admitting to the existence of aliens, but seem to be taking UFOs seriously. (Photo : Screen grab from YouTube video) The United States Navy has confirmed the authenticity of three videos that show footage of "unidentified aerial phenomenon", or UAP, according to The Black Vault, a website that dedicates itself to the exposing of government secrets.

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