TECH & INNOVATIONAfter six years, the last rover of Hayabusa landed on Ryugu, an asteroid that is closest to Earth. The Hayabusa 2 mission that is worth $270 billion was launched in December 2014, and it landed in orbit around the asteroid Ryugu in June of 2018.
NASA’s Spritzer Space Telescope captures a formation of thousands of young stars. NASA just captured the formation of thousands of new stars through an infrared image.
ICON is set to launch on the 9th of October, and you can watch it live. If you look up at the sky over the Atlantic Ocean on the 9th of October, 9:30 PM EDT, you might just see NASA's Ionospheric Connection Explorer or, simply, ICON take off on the Pegasus XL rocket by Northrop Grumman.
The Jason-2/OSTM satellite provided insights into ocean currents and sea-level rise. (Photo : NASA/JPL-Caltech) The Jason-2/Ocean Surface Topography Mission, or OSTM, has successfully ended its mission after 11 years in service.
The SEIS on Mars lander InSight has picked up some strange sounds, and you can listen to them. Did NASA just detect movement of Mars' crust? Or was it just a couple of rocks blown by the wind? NASA's InSight lander has picked up on some interesting rumblings on the Earth-like planet.
A team of researchers has just published a photo of the elusive cosmic web. Humanity has just made one giant leap in the quest to understand how galaxies first formed in the early universe.
The European Space Agency has expressed their plan to bring the man on the Moon, but NASA chief said that people on Earth might not be prepared for what would be discovered.
All stars are doomed to burn out, but this one was ripped apart by a colossal black hole. A colossal black hole was caught ripping apart a star. The space agency NASA was able to witness this space event from beginning to end through its telescope.
The space agency NASA recently released a photo of the Tropical Storm Mario and it looks like it has been gathering strength, so people can only expect a heavier rainfall.