SPACENASA has reported that Catalina Sky Survey in Arizona has found a small asteroid that came close to Earth. It almost crashed with a satellite near it.
The Aldebaran star was momentarily blocked by the moon from the Earth point of view. The moon has passed the Aldebaran star last March four. The Aldebaran star is said to be the brightest star in Taurus constellation.
At the Planetary Science Vision, 2050 Workshop NASA announced that they would bring life back onMars. At the workshop, scientists proposed that they are planning to establish a giant magnetic shield at L1 Lagrange point beyond Mars.
Mars meteorite dating from about 4.5 billion years ago, an ancient ocean there would have covered 19 percent of the planet's surface.Martian meteorites may provide clues to ancient abundance of water
Meteors are known for their visual spectacle but sometimes a mysterious sizzling sound also accompanies the shooting star. A recent study dwells deep into the science of a Meteors sound.
Maven spacecraft currently orbiting Mars was on its way to collide with Mars's moon Phobos but NASA's scientists successfully changed the spacecraft's path and avoided the mishap.
Just last week, NASA announced about the TRAPPIST-1 system which has seven exoplanets where three are deemed to be habitable due to the presence of liquid water. With the recent finding of the Cornell University, it seems that a fourth planet can also be livable.
NASA, together with USU, will develop a sustainalble living for astronauts in Mars. Utah State University professors will be working with NASA to research on how astronauts can sustain themselves on Mars.
NASA has moved their MAVEN spacecraft to avoid colliding with one of Mars' moons, Phobos. The space agency has moved their MAVEN spacecraft so that it will not collide with one of Mars' moon Phobos.