SPACEThe support of NASA for the Earth Science discovery is never ending. Soon, the organization will be sending more instruments to the International Space Station to further support the project.
Ceres, a dwarf planet between Mars and Jupiter is found to have organic material and NASA's Dawn mission hints at the potential presence of some kind of life form.
Mars 2117 UAE Martian city isn't slated for construction anytime soon." Al Maktoum also added that 100 years is needed to fulfill the Mars 2117 project.
The 60 planets include a rocky planet which is later then called "Super Earth." Gliese 411b caught the attention of Dr. Mikko Tuomi from the University of Herdfordshire's Center for Astrophysics because of its unusual identity.
NASA shortlisted three main landing site for 2020-Mars-Rover Mission. In its previous mission, NASA's Spirit rover already explored Columbia Hills that is one of the preferred location among those three landing sites. Spirit found Opaline Silica at Columbia hills that indicate there could be several hot springs in ancient Mars.
NASA has released a picture of an asteroid that lokks like a rolling Dungeons & Dragons dice. The asteroid is said to look like a dice of the famous board game Dungeons & Dragons.
The Hubble Telescope has been providing space enthusiasts glimpses of the beauty from the outside for years. And guess what? It was able to capture a very rare photo of the constellation Sagittarius which featured the beauty of its glittering stars.
NASA created an illustration of an exoplanet expressing a heartbeat pulsation towards its parent star. The study suggests that the two galaxy wonders has special relationships.
Asia's space science gears up for fierce competition as India launches 104 satellites in a single mission.
In the process, India's space agency ISRO has created a world record.