TECH & INNOVATIONJeff Bezos who is the CEO of Amazon is planning for a shipment service in Moon. Private Space agency Blue Origin that is also owned by Bezos has already successfully tested their Shepard rocket five times. Now, they are preparing their Blue Moon space probe which will be able to carry 10,000 pounds.
Adding to the tally of last year's 3 Earth like planets, NASA discovered 4 more such planets. The latest finding revives the search for life beyond our planet.
Last weekend, the moon crossed the face of the sun in a so-called annular solar eclipse, creating what looked like a ring of fire as the moon covered most of the light of our nearest star
Curiosity rover captures unique footage of strong dusty winds on Mars. NASA believes these storms are the reason behind the Giant Mountain formation in Mar's Gale Crater
A new study on Mars reveals that it is more similar to Earth than previously thought. Scientists have long been searching for planets similar to Earth wherein mankind would be able to survive.
Recently, NASA has shown an image of an icy moon. It was the Saturn's moon Tethys that according to people's perception, the moon looks exactly like the Death Star from the movie "Star Wars."
the Arctic of Greenland is now on its critical condition after several reports of ice melting were recorded. Global wearing is the main cause why the "nature's clock" speeds up causing harm to all living things in the Arctic and soon on Earth.
ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT) has captured another spiral galaxy that is on the edge. the NGC 1055 makes it easier for scientist to study more about spiral galaxies.
SpaceX is set to take two passengers, who have paid for the trip, around the moon. SpaceX company has released a statement saying that it plans to send two people on a mission to fly around the moon this coming 2018.
NASA’s Journey to Mars is well underway all across America, and especially here in Alabama. Marshall Leaders will meet the elected official; they will be honored by the Alabama legislature with resolutions and proclamations recognizing the agency's achievements.
India and China are now in a race to be the third most powerful country in space explorations. After India's 104 satellite launch, China is now pressured to do more.
It is just the begining of what could be the next big thing. Till now spcae traveling has been restricted to astraunauts but by next year Space X is facilitating tourists for a moon visit.
Next year NASA is launching a robotic spacecraft to the sun in a mission to save earth from massive solar flares. This will be the closest any spacecraft has ever been to the Sun.