Sequoias And Coastal Redwoods Appear To Flourish Despite Climate Change

Lasers Can Now Measure Biomass in Giant Redwoods

New research from the University College London (UCL) demonstrates the first application of laser technology for the measurement of volume and biomass of giant trees - used in the great Californian redwoods in this case.

Physicists Finally Achieved Room-Temperature Superconductivity

A team of New York-based physicists has achieved one of modern science's most sought after phenomena - a material that conducts electricity with virtually perfect efficiency in what is known as superconductivity - with new material, and at higher temperatures.

Led by Samsung and Apple: Is UWB The Next Big Smartphone Tech?

For tech-savvy smartphone users, there are a number of technologies and specifications to consider - WiFi, Bluetooth, USB, Near Field Communication (NFC), and more. Now Apple and Samsung have announced a new tech with their latest phones and people are asking: "What is UWB?"
How do Background Check Sites Find Your Information?

How do Background Check Sites Find Your Information?

Background checks via a service provider like CheckPeople are probably the best way to delve into someone's past, background, and character. These services use public data and reports as sources. Usually, data repositories, the federal or state governments, and private companies generate background checks automatically.
How Are Lithium Batteries Making The World Easier?

Firefly and Max Polyakov Successfully Test Alpha Rocket

Firefly Aerospace successfully carried out fire tests on the 2000 lb. Alpha rocket. The Ukraine-American collaboration follows a successful partnership deal between Polyakov's company and the US government. The rocket is currently in California at the Vandenberg Cosmodrome.
Appy Pie Connect - The Automation Software Allows for Discord to Integrate with 150+ Apps

Appy Pie Connect - The Automation Software Allows for Discord to Integrate with 150+ Apps

Workflow automation is becoming the need of many businesses nowadays. It is an effective way to ensure a reduction in errors of repetitive manual actions. Workflow automation can help you improve the productivity while saving your thousands of hours and dollars every year. Workflow automation can provide you with the needed to implement your vision of how you want your business to run!
Jordan Lintz - The Makings of a Young Entrepreneur

Jordan Lintz - The Makings of a Young Entrepreneur

Forget about retirement. Most millennials are kind of on that road already. But Jordan Lintz's take on why retiring is not an option has nothing to do with changing social programs or retirement schemes. As HighKey's marketing guru, he has an altogether different philosophy. He likes to sum it up in a tidy, personal credo: He doesn't work because he has to. He works because he wants to.

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