Microsoft Enlists Third Party Help for New Browser

Unless you have been hiding under a rock, you know that Microsoft has finally realized that Internet Explorer is pretty much dead losing out to the likes of Google's Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. To that end, they have undertaken the design of a new browser, Spartan, and with it they hope to regain some of the market share they have lost over the years.

Nintendo Delays Release of Next Zelda Game for Wii U

Early footage of Nintendo's Wii U release of "The Legend of Zelda" has wowed fans of the series across the world. However, it seems fans are going to have to wait a while longer before they can go off adventuring with Link.

Slack Technologies Becomes Latest Hacking Victim

Slack Technologies is the latest company to fall victim to hackers, exposing the private information of up to 500,000 users, such as email addresses, telephone numbers, Skype IDs and any other information that its users might have entered.

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