Nokia Lumia Android Phone Possibly in the Works from Microsoft

It's no secret that Microsoft's Windows and Windows Phone platforms have far fewer apps than competitors such as Android or iOS, but how does Microsoft plan on catching up? Well, if one leakster is right, then the old saying "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" is about to ring true.

inMarket: iBeacons Increase Shopper Engagement

The future of shopping could very well be through the mobile devices, even in brick-and-mortar stores. New data released by inMarket about its iBeacons show that the beacons are dramatically increasing app usage and ad engagement among shoppers.

Google Android Smartphones vs. Apple iOS Factory Reset Scandal: Naked Selfies, Emails & Contacts Extracted from eBay Phones by Czech Security Firm Avast

Google has responded to the revelations. Apparently, the only way to completely delete data from a mobile phone is to completely destroy it. Doing a "factory reset," an option on most phones, simply returns the gadget to its original system state and does not actually wipe out all of the data that has been written in the memory, according to BBC News.

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