TECH & INNOVATIONGoogle's Android continues to dominate iOS around the world in most major markets, according to recent Kantar Worldpanel numbers, and Samsung's Galaxy S5 seems to be attracting some former Apple heads.
Adding insult to injury, Spanish Wi-Fi provider Let's Gowex announced Sunday that it is filing for bankruptcy amidst revelations that the company falsified accounts for at least the past four years.
Facebook violated the law when it studied the emotions of its users without their knowledge or consent, according to a formal complaint the Electronic Privacy Information Center lodged with the Federal Trade Commission.
First NASA Spacecraft to Measure Carbon Dioxide Levels in Earth's Atmosphere With global warming and climate change at the forefront of the international agenda, one would think NASA had already developed some sort of advanced measurement tool to track CO2 emissions across the globe.
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk Believes Humans on Mars in 10 to 12 Years Earlier this month the National Research Council deemed NASA's strategies to send humans to Mars unsustainable and unsafe.
Sports Teams Might Not Benefit From Plentiful Talent In light of the National Basketball Association (NBA) Finals as well as the FIFA World Cup, researchers at INSEAD (The Business School of the World) decided to find out whether or not more talent is essential in a team's winning efforts.
Brain Injury Rates on the Rise in Cities With Bike-Share Programs Bike-share programs are an effective way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while also getting people around a city conveniently.