TECH & INNOVATIONGame goes "dark" Tuesday evening. Age of Empires has been around since 1997, but it first debuted online only three years ago. Tuesday, the online version of the game was taken down.
The next-generation console war is a two-system war at this point (sorry, Nintendo!). The next-generation console war is a two-system race at this point (sorry, Nintendo!).
Miracles do exist. The Wii U has managed to move off of store shelves and into consumers living rooms. In fact, system sales have increased by more than 660 percent thanks to the release of Mario Kart 8.
Watch for improved graphics. Virtually no news has been heard about the next installment of Gears of War, and not even a mention was made during the E3 gaming conference where many gamers expected an announcement or at least a hint from Microsoft about what to expect.
Minecraft is an epic sandbox video game in which players build anything they want out of blocks. "Minecraft: Pocket Edition" is an epic sandbox video game in which players build anything they want out of blocks.
App is being compaed to "Flappy Bird" Two high-school-aged interns created "Let it Goat" and it's already being compared to "Flappy Bird," the game that was downloaded over 50 million times.
Awarded $25,000 grants, Google Glass device. Google started a contest back in April that sought to award non-profit organizations for their ideas on how to creatively use Google Glass devices.
Germany dominated Brazil and fans were extremely talkative about it on the Internet. The game got out of hand quickly, but that didn't stop fans from talking about it online.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced Monday that two lawyers from the Department of Justice's antitrust division will be heading up the agency's inquiry into major proposed mergers in the telecommunications industry.
The game will be beautiful and powerful. The release of the beta version of the upcoming video game Destiny has been announced by Activision and Bungie to take place on the July 17.
Driverless cars could be the next big thing. The Internet has seen one of Google's latest projects as the tech giant recently posted photos of its driverless car.
When was the last time Yahoo released a product on par with Apple and Google? When was the last time you wanted to replace your Android home screen with a third-party application? Remarkable things happen sometimes, and with Yahoo's recent release of the incredibly smart Android launcher Aviate, it just did.
Over the weekend, a new detail about the NSA was published, and it shows why every previous NSA revelation leaked by Edward Snowden is relevant and important to everyone.