Heartbleed Prompts Rash Responses

While it's important to respond quickly and effectively in light of a cybersecurity hole such as Heartbleed, new data shows that some websites actually added the vulnerability in the rush to patch systems.

iPhone 6 Rumor Roundup: Specs, Pricing, and Release Date

A look at the most likely iPhone 6 rumors. The next-generation Apple iPhone is poised to be one of the biggest devices of the year, and while the Internet is swirling with speculation about the handset, nothing is concrete.

LG G3: Strong Handset with Stunning Quad HD Display

LG announced its new flagship LG G3 smartphone Tuesday, and although it comes with little surprises thanks to the amount of pre-release leaks, the phone represents a strong entry into the high-end market.

Getting a Refund from T-Mobile in Light of FTC Cramming Charges

How to get a refund from T-Mobile if you've been a victim of cramming charges. It's recently come out that T-Mobile has been perpetuating a series of "bogus charges" against its customers that has resulted in the skimming of hundreds of millions of dollars -- at least that's what the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) says.

FDA Asking to Regulate E-Cigarettes

Tobacco products including electronic cigarettes, as well as traditional cigars, may soon be regulated under new powers requested by the United States Food and Drug Administration.

Apple's Swift Programming Language Is One More Step Down the Rabbit Hole

Apple unveiled a new programming language for developers earlier this week at the 2014 Worldwide Developers Conference called Swift. Designed for streamlining code and reducing bugs, the programming language received a rousing round of applause from developers in attendance — but what does it really mean for the App store ecosystem?

Facebook Profile Tips and Tricks 2014: 10 Facebook 'Don'ts' to Avoid Cyber Hate

What are these 10 things that we should do to avoid animosity on Facebook? Social media, for some of us, has become the breeding ground for the oversharing all of details of our lives, from what we're eating on a daily basis and providing our locations at all times, to typing every random thought that comes into our heads.

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