An Insect Apocalypse is Happening, What Can We Do About It?

The environment is no longer perfect for beneficial insects to live in Whether we acknowledge it or not, we rely on insects to pollinate plants, contribute to the ecosystem and prey on other insects that are harmful to humans.

The Red Sea Corals Are in Danger

Tourism could have a negative effect on the Egyptian coral reefs. In serene turquoise waters off Egypt's Red Sea coast, scuba divers ease among delicate pink jellyfish and admire coral-yet a rebounding tourism sector threatens the fragile marine ecosystem.

Human Composting Could Be a Thing in Washington State

Washington just passed a bill to become the first US state to legalize human composting. The Washington state legislature recently passed a bill that, if signed by the governor, allows human bodies to be composted-and used for mulch.

Animated Video Shows Earth with No Ice and Much Less Land

A look at the Earth if the ice caps melted. About four years ago NASA revealed that Earth's oceans are rising faster than expected, and the space agency projected that we're now "locked in" to at least 90 cm of sea level rise in the coming decades.

A Tree that Grows 40 Different Varieties of Fruit

Through grafting, one man has created Frankenstein’s Monster-like trees. Sam Van Aken, a professor at Syracuse University, is growing a tree that can produce 40 different types of stone fruits.

Forest Deaths Increased in 2018

Pristine forests with a vast expanse of trees is vital to the ecosystem and the survival of wildlife, but we’ve lost more forests in 2018 that experts thought possible.

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