ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEScuba diving researchers circumnavigated 53 Island from 2002 to 2015 surveying marine life. (Photo : Christian Gloor) Green Sea Turtle / Chelonia mydas With the current condition of the Earth being affected by climate change, the reality that the bad news of having some species driven to extinction is somewhat inevitable.
Climate extremes including hot and cold temperature extremes, drought, and heavy precipitation accounted for 18 percent to 43 percent of these interannual variations in crop yield
Shrimp native to the rural areas of England tested positive for drugs. A new study has found significant quantities of cocaine, ketamine, Valium, Xanax, tramadol, and other pharmaceuticals in the bodies of freshwater shrimp and their habitat in Suffolk, UK.
Researchers have found a new way to use satellites to monitor the Great Whirl, a massive whirlpool the size of Colorado that forms each year off the coast of East Africa, they report in a new study.
The petition submitted by conservation groups for giraffes to be included in the list of animals protected under the Endangered Species Act has been reviewed.
Another tragic story highlighting the damages of single-use plastic waste. As humans continue using more and more plastic, the non-renewable material continues to hurt marine life.
Researchers have concluded that sewer plants serving municipalities worldwide offer a major option for capturing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Although cautioning that research and development is needed before the systems could be deployed, the team identified several potentially viable paths to using sewage as a carbon sink — that is, sewer plants could clean the atmosphere as they clean water.
We have to accept the fact that climate change is real, and this is just one of its effects. Scientists from the Royal Botanic Garden, Kew, in the UK, published a study that coffee is officially considered endangered, as 60 percent of the 124 known species in the world are threatened with extinction because of deforestation, diseases, and climate change.
What makes water so unique? Japan - In their 2018 study, researchers from the Department of Fundamental Engineering at the University of Tokyo tried to tease apart what makes water unique among liquids.
A team of biologists found out how Hippo poop plays a role in sustaining our ecosystem. Hippos are considered one of the most dangerous animals in Africa and have been feared by most.
58 million to 34 million years ago, echolocation was a primary driver of skull shape across bat families, and about 26 million years ago, the diet became the more dominant driving force behind skull shape evolution, but not in all bats
The wildlife department from Malaysia seized 50 African rhino horn that destined for Vietnam Vietnam is listed as one of the world's largest consumers of rhino horn, which makes them a top contributor to the poaching of rhinos in the wild.
The prints allegedly measured 32 inches by 15 inches and were spotted on April 9. The Indian Army claims its mountaineers have sighted giant footprints of the mythical beast "Yeti".
WASHINGTON-- Glaciers are set to disappear completely from almost half of World Heritage sites if business-as-usual emissions continue, according to the first-ever global study of World Heritage glaciers.