TECH & INNOVATIONMalawian teen taught himself how to build a windmill from library books. His native Malawi had gone through one of its worst droughts seven years ago, killing thousands.
The two new bird species were found in the Wakatobi Archipelago of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Precisely defining what a species is and how species develop has fascinated scientists for centuries; we may feel we automatically know what a species is, but the closer we look the more complex things become.
Healthy coral reefs would have bright blue halos that can be seen from aerial views. (Photo : Maksym Kozlenko)Malolo Barrier Reef showing bright blue halo In 2010, on Heron Island in Australia, Elizabeth Madin started to take interest in reef halos.
One company has developed an alternative to plastic straws that you can eat. In South Korea, one man and his company has taken the fight against plastic straw waste to another level-by developing a version that you can eat.
Currently, more advanced satellites, sophisticated climate models, and weather stations have aided in collecting a more precise data on the measurement of the melting glaciers.
Studies show that sea creatures store carbon in the ocean, can they help with climate change? The catastrophic effects from climate change has increased these past few years and experts are in search for innovative ways to reduce the overall risks.
The scientists believe that the biggest mass extinction that ever happened on earth was caused by a huge volcanic eruption triggered by climate change.
Any material inside a container with this lining significantly comes in contact with the lubricating liquid and slides right off instead of sticking to the solid container wall