Kite-like Sea Creature Discovered in the Indian Ocean

Newly discovered deep-sea life seems to be tethered to the ocean floor. Deep in the Indian Ocean is home to some very strange sea life-even one that looks like a kite flying in the underwater currents.

Save The Frogs From Global Killer Disease

The amphibians particularly the frogs are now under attack by multiple pathogens, says experts. Frogs, toads, and salamanders across the globe are now under attack by a wide range of pathogens that slows down their immune system.

Man-made Apocalypse: Is It Possible To Recover?

Experts say that people are suffering from all these environmental problems because of their own doing. They predicted it may take 10 million years to actually recover from it.

Great White Sharks Scared Of Killer Whales

Since the premiere of one of the scariest depictions of the great white shark in the movies, Jaws, they have become one of the most feared creatures in the planet.

Climate Change Causes the Spread of Diseases Among Marine Animals

FRANCE - Anyone who has spent their summer in France in 2018 could attest to the increase in its temperature. The nation experienced its worst summer heat on record. While the kids enjoy the coolness of the lake, the shellfish producers could only watch from a distance as their mussels and oysters perished in the hands of what can be considered as sustained temperatures.

Life On Earth Started Not On Deep Oceans

A study released thaThe theory of evolution is primarily used to explain how things in the world began. The beginning of the life on earth has become so complex it seemed impossible to explain. Some say that it is quite impossible for life to come from something that doesn't even have life in it.t the life on Earth popularly believed to start in deep oceans actually started in shallow ponds.

Coral Reef in Italy Discovered

When you want to go diving to see those majestic coral reefs, Italy is probably not the first country you'd consider going to. In fact, it might not be one of the countries that's in your short list. Nobody knew of the coral reef hiding in the great coast of Italy until now.

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