Fish Releases Chemicals to Get Away From Predators

Wild fish release chemicals to signal other fish about dangers that are nearby. (Photo : Rankin1958)Fathead Minnows For 30 years, researchers have been aware that some fish would release chemicals into the water.

Eastern Hellbender Became the Official Amphibian for Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania has just voted for the Eastern Hellbender to become an official amphibian. The house voted 191-6 on Tuesday granting honor to the salamander to an amphibian status. It is a nocturnal animal that is not easy to see and it also known by other names; lasagna lizard, snot otter, or the mud devil.

Ditch That Plastic Bag And Save The Earth

If only people gave up their plastic bag addiction, the world would be a better place to live. What place on earth is safe from plastic? The deepest pits of the Earth, in the ocean, and even in the highest peak, there are elements of plastic.

We Could Be Inhaling Plastic and Don't Know It

Microplastics have been found to pollute the air as much as it does the oceans. By now, we are all familiar with the 'evil' that plastics bring to our friends from the ocean.

Citizens Could Benefit From Adjusting Streetlights For Bats

Excessive artificial lighting has negative effects on nocturnal animals and on humans as well. (Photo : U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters)Choeronycteris mexicana, Mexican long-tongued bat The 17th of April was declared as National Bat Appreciation Day which is celebrated every year as it is the best time to observe bats that are beginning to come out from hibernation.

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