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05.19.2017 02:19 AM
Scientists have pointed the economic and political changes of Myanmar in failing to preserve intact forests.
05.19.2017 02:16 AM
In a recent paper, it was discovered that humans and pufferfish actually share the same genes on teeth.
05.19.2017 02:05 AM
Scientists have found that after the eruption of Toba supervolcano thousands of years ago, its magma system has expanded to establish its equilibrium.
05.19.2017 02:00 AM
The entomologist has found a live colony of the cannibalistic T-Rex ants in northern Singapore for the very first time.
05.18.2017 14:13 PM
In the series of flight for Arctic survey that ended last week, NASA has expanded the range of the area covered.
05.18.2017 13:26 PM
A research has now been developed bringing a positive result. Ph.D. candidate Bhaskar S. Patil created a reactor to make a fertilizer from the air, which is found to be more efficient than the currently available fertilizers.
05.18.2017 13:00 PM
Researchers have finally discovered how plants tell time. Clocks could tell time clearly while it isn’t known by the majority how plants tell time.
05.18.2017 12:24 PM
Researchers found that splash-back poison frog tadpoles tend to jump to scuttle away from their siblings, who may eat them.
05.18.2017 11:53 AM
Students of the Utkal University in India recently uncovered a 1,400-year-old statue of Lord Buddha.
05.18.2017 11:25 AM
A team of scientists has found that larvae of common coral species have a unique way to deal with environmental stress.
05.18.2017 10:52 AM
A recent study unveils that trees from the eastern U.S. are gradually shifting to the western part of the nation due to the rapid climate change.
05.18.2017 05:46 AM
A study by Pew Research Center shows that people want the government to have environmental regulation and proper energy policy.
05.18.2017 03:27 AM
Researchers have recently unveiled that a number of tortoises in the Joshua Tree National Park in California, died during an attempt to reproduce despite having the harsh situations.
05.18.2017 02:55 AM
Two skeletons dated from 1,400 years ago was found in South Korea and believed to be the remains of the human sacrifice in the ancient Korea.
05.18.2017 02:51 AM
Two researchers from the Netherlands have concluded that extreme weather has more impacts than imagined.
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