Hannah C.

Tiny Worm Reveals Why Melatonin Makes Us Sleepy

The tiny worm C. elelgans has been an excellent brain model to understand other species. A recent study reveals how the hormone melatonin works in the brain to promote sleep.
Robotic Glove Uses Light To Measure the Sense of Touch

Infrastructure Technology Can Add the Sense of Touch to AR and VR Experiences

The new technology can someday upgrade AR and VR experiences. Silica-based distributed fiber-optic sensor (DFOS) systems have been typically used for infrastructures such as bridges, highways, and buildings designs to withstand pressure, humidity, and natural disasters such as earthquakes.

Are Social Dominance and Status Genetic?

Aggressive behavior and dominance have often been linked to testosterone. In a new study, gene-editing reveals how genetic structures dictate social status.

Maximizing Productivity: Dos and Don'ts of Listening to Music

Music is a part of our daily lives that typically affect our mood and concentration. Listening to music is something we love to do at any time of the day like during our daily commute to work or school, during workouts, or playing our favorite lo-fi playlist while studying.
Severe Glacial Melt in Chinese Mountains Have Devastating Consequences

Severe Glacial Melt in Chinese Mountains Have Devastating Consequences

Scientists monitoring several glaciers in China reveal the consequences of climate change. For years, several research teams from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other environmental groups have kept track of glaciers and mountains are affected by climate change.

Four Ways to Promote Neuronal Growth

Is it possible to grow new brain cells as an adult? Here are four ways to promote neuronal growth and improve memory with age.

Stellar Flares Affect the Habitability of Exoplanets

Researchers discovered that active stars might be responsible for exoplanets becoming inhabitable. The evolution of planetary atmospheres is influenced by space weather which generally comprises of events on the Sun and near-Earth space.
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