TECH & INNOVATIONThe US Department of Defense is funding engineers to further develop their miniature robot swarms for space exploration. Can you guess how much the government is shelling out for the project?
In a new study, scientists discover a host star "roasting" its four baby planets with its radiation. They believe that by analyzing these conditions, it would aid in the quest to find habitable exoplanets outside our Solar System.
Asteroid 2002 NN4, about the size of Gillette Stadium in Foxborough, will pass at a safe distance of about 3.1million miles of the Earth at a speed of 20,000 miles per hour.
Half of the Earth will be witnessing a Strawberry Moon, while the other half will see a penumbral lunar eclipse. Two weeks later, an annular Solar Eclipse will make an appearance.
China's massive telescope, FAST, is getting ready to search the galaxies for aliens. The radio telescope is set to add the detection of extraterrestrial life to its list of scientific tasks. Click the link above to learn more.
An alligator has been removed from the launch pad during SpaceX flight preparations at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Wednesday. The gator was seen wandering on the pad and was captured later on. Click the link above to watch a video.
Residents of northern Turkey are treated with a special light show on Wednesday night of May 27, as a suspected meteor streak across the sky before exploding with a thunderous boom.