SPACENew research reveals the discovery of a new galaxy 11 billion light-years away from our solar system. The new galaxy is named R5519, but many call it the 'cosmic ring of fire' due to its ability to produce stars faster than the Milky Way. Click the link above to learn more.
Despite months of shutdown due to the coronavirus pandemic, SpaceX is given the green light to launch its first crewed flight on Wednesday from US soil after nine years.
NASA will pay volunteers to spend eight months locked up in a simulated spacecraft on its way to Mars. But how much is it willing to pay? What are the requirements? Find out.
Watch VIDEO! A new planet is born, and astronomers celebrate having captured the first image of a new planet in its formation. The new world was captured by European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope located in Chile. Click the link above to watch an informative video on the new planet.
Future human missions to Mars might be possible within the next decade and astronomers are already prepping for it. A major problem would be the radiation on the planet, but a recent study suggests that astronauts could seek temporary shelter in Mars' natural lava tubes. Click to watch a video explaining lava tubes on Mars.
Three years' worth of 'lucky images' taken from the Gemini North telescope on Hawaii's dormant volcano Mauna Kea formed this mosaic, together with data and photos from Juno and Hubble to produce one of the highest resolution images of Jupiter ever taken from Earth.
Stanford Professor warns that samples from Mars should be treated as if tey are Ebola virus from space until proven safe to prevent alien virus from contaminating Earth.
A Japanese spacecraft indicate an abundance of carbon emissions on the moon which should have been eradicated during the collision between Earth and the wandering planet Theia.