The first exoplanet discovered in 2004 may not be a planet at all but just a giant dust cloud created by a collision of two icy asteroids, according to scientists.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) discovered Borisov, a comet with one of the longest tails at 100,000 miles long, It is carrying water and the highly poisonous gas carbon monoxide in unusually large quantities.
Is it a fireball, a contrail, or meteoroid? Experts believe these recent sightings in the sky are related to the annual Lyrid meteor shower, which happens during the latter half of April.
Unravelling the mystery of why the solar wind hitting Earth is hotter than it should be. Earth is commonly bombarded by solar winds coming from the Sun, but the problem with this is that the solar winds that reach our planet are hotter than they should be.
Have you heard about the Lyrid meteor shower that's coming? You don't want to miss these meteoroid and comet's spectacular views! Check out these three budget telescopes you could use to witness the beauty of the meteoroids.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA's) golden idea: use MOXIE, a golden box made out of gold to create oxygen that Mars explorers will use to move and breathe on Mars.
Billion years ago, the young moon was orbiting around the Earth so closely that it had a profoundly strange effect on the shape of our embryonic home planet.
The late Albert Einstein's general relativity proves to be correct with new astronomy study showing S2's orbit around the supermassive black hole at the heart of Milky Way