Water On The Moon Discovered Due To Meteorites

Meteorites striking on the lunar surface may be causing its water source to spatter. About a decade ago, water has been discovered at the southern part of the moon.

Dragon Cargo Capsule by SpaceX Has Reached The ISS

SpaceX has sent out its Dragon Cargo Capsule and it has arrived at the International Space Station, with its new docking mechanism. Spacesuits for the future and a 3D bioprinter.

Space Agencies Cannot Resist Venus’ Pull

Venus was once covered with water it was likened to the Garden of Eden, but the hellish planet that it is today reveals how scientists can find another habitable planet in a world of distant stars.

NASA Welcomes Tourists In The ISS

NASA to open the doors of the International Space Station to tourists. NASA - The agency has had plans of opening the floating space station to commercial astronauts and private individuals who would like to see the Earth from up there.

Life On Venus: Could It Be True?

Several studies and explorations have been dedicated to the planet Mars, but new research shows that life on Venus might be possible too.

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