In Apple's new commercial, the feature of Portrait Mode in iPhone 7 Plus was highlighted. As their usual way to sell their smartphone to the market, American multinational tech company Apple has released a new commercial last Monday and it highlights the features of the iPhone 7 Plus Portrait Mode.
Apple plans to introduce a new home assistant that works with Apple Siri and will now also compete in an industry now primarily dominated by Amazon and Google.
AMD plans to announce their upcoming generation of Vega graphics in two months from now according to their quarterly financial reports. Benchmarks are available.
LG will be unveiling a new smartphone that will be a smaller variant of their latest LG G6 flagship device that begins at $649 and is also popular enthusiasts.
Find out which is better between the tech titan's 2017 flagship smartphones. Ever since Huawei and Samsung have released its flagship smartphones, tech enthusiasts have been long wondering who would prevail as this year’s best android smartphone.
A chip is currently being developed to extend batteries' life in devices. A chip that could extend the battery life of lower power electronics like smartphones in order to work more efficiently.