TECH & INNOVATIONGoogle officially announced the permanent closure to Android Nougat Beta Program and stated that Android 'O' Beta Program will be launched very soon; know more here
Latest news is saying that AMD Radeon RX Vega prototype makes a good impression in 3DMark Fire Strike benchmark but it will only have less than 16,000 units available at its launch.
Android devices can be secure or non-secure, depending on the version of the platform which is being used. If the device is not being updated from a long time, it can cause any vulnerability.
It's not a product launch, but plans and target release dates, AMD clearly stated. AMD will reveal its Vega, Zen+, and Navi on May 16. The date is to confirm the AMD timetable for a target release in the second quarter of 2017.
Its been 15 years since the budget for the nuclear waste conversion into glass logs was decided. The US State Department granted a $17 billion funding to erect a vitirifation plant for this process. It is still on debate for theses toxins to grout or turn to glass..
Ducati survives its process of evolution from its roots in 1993 to today's product in the form of the Naked Monster 797 Sports Bike. The company already sold 315,000 of these monstrous beauties since its debut.