San Francisco Bans the Sale of Plastic Bottles

Nowadays, the plastic pollution is one of the biggest environmental burdens. Statistics say that annually; we throw away enough plastic to circle the globe 4 times.

Recycling Disposable Diapers Made Possible

Environmentalists suggest that parents use reusable cloth diapers with their babies to help reduce the trash, but new studies show that disposable diapers can now be recycled too.

Four Ways Why Having Trees Around is Important

The value of trees in the environment, may it be urban or rural Trees leafing out shows us the transition from winter to spring. It is easy to take trees for granted but studies show that they provide numerous values.

Nitrogen Runoff is Decreasing the Quality of Waterways Across U.S.

Excessive nitrogen washed into waterways can lead to algal blooms or the low-oxygen dead zones. (Photo : U. S. Government Accountability Office from Washington, DC, United States)Satellite Image of a Harmful Algal Bloom in Lake Erie in 2011 According to new research, the amount of nitrogen introduced into the United States waterways has already been affected by the changes in temperature and precipitation.

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