A new black hole has been discovered, and its the closest one to Earth that's been found so far. Astronomers from the Eastern Southern Observatory say that this discovery could just be the 'tip of an exciting iceberg'. Click the link above to learn more.
A bright speck in the night caught the eyes of the astronomers as they pore through the data the large asteroid called 1998 OR2 that was very, very close to Earth.
Watch how astronauts have fun and get slimy while playing with the gooey substance. if they ever need volunteers to bring more slime into space, we're available #KCA2020 #NationalAstronomyDay pic.
NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) shows ridges with freshly exposed bedrock on the moon's surface, which are a result of an active tectonic system
Just as the Eta Atariids meteor shower, the remains of Halley's comet is making an appearance in the sky this week, so is the Swan Comet. Don't miss the chance to view it as it may be the best comet you might see without needing binoculars. Click the link above to learn more.
Do you there is life in other planets? Scientists aren't waiting around to find out. It turns out, there are at least 25 billion places where life could exist in our galaxy alone. Scientists study different approaches such as fingerprinting and using biosignature to determine life in other planets soon.
A radio signal was detected coming deep within outer space. Scientists are still forming theories as to where fast radio bursts come from. Click the link to learn more.
Got nothing better to do this weekend? Grab a blanket and some drinks and watch the Eta Aquariids meteor shower while lying on your backs from your lawn or backyard. That's the best way to do it, NASA says. Click the link above to learn more about the meteor shower.
A piece of the moon is up for grabs in a private sale at Christie's, a British auction house. How much, you ask? Why just about $2.5 million. Learn more about one of the world's largest lunar meteorites on sale by clicking the link above.